How Weather Affects Your Health


You can control a lot of things in your daily life. Your calendar, your diet, your car. But what about the things you can’t control? Specifically, what effects does weather have on you and others? Since things are finally warming up in Ohio (knock on wood), we’re diving into five aspects which affect both individual and social health. We hope you enjoy.

72 Degrees is The Perfect Temperature


The first important finding in this group of research comes from a study held at The University of Massachusetts. The study, led by post-doctoral researcher Matthew Keller, measured the impact of weather on mood. Exposure to different types of weather for different amount of times had a few key outcomes. The most interesting was the finding that the most optimal weather for bettering human mood was about seventy two degrees Fahrenheit. This measure also increased and decreased relative to where you live.

Be Outside For Thirty Minutes


The same study also investigated the amount of time it took for nice weather to increase mood. This time was targeted to around thirty minutes outside in warm weather. The study went further to find that sitting inside on nice days can actually decrease mood and cognitive style. Cognitive style is the way in which individuals think, perceive, and remember information. The worse your cognitive style, the harder it is to process information at advanced levels. The researchers involved in the study hypothesized that being stuck inside on nice days could cause you to be bored or irritated. So don’t forget to get outside when the weather is as nice as it has been.

Seasonal Affective Disorder


Stepping away from the study conducted by the University of Massachusetts, one of the most important impacts of weather on humans is Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD). The condition causes depression and a down feeling in particular seasons. Most notably, these effects take place in Autumn and dissipate in early Spring. Side effects of the disorder include irritability, concentration issues, changes in diet, feelings of lethargy, and lastly boredom in activities usually found interesting. Treatment includes sunlight, vitamin D, and hours spent under light-therapy lamps.



It's no secret that crops and fruits rely heavily on the right weather. The most common and immediately noticeable impact of weather on society is the role it plays in deciding what food is available. While our economy makes up for this by bringing in foods from other countries, it can sometimes render food impossible to purchase. Certain fruit or vegetables may not be able to grow, and others may not be especially tasty. Try to research the best times for those seasonal foods, and enjoy the ones which are in season.



Weather is known for not cooperating. Even more so, weather can be quite unpredictable. As such, always prepare for the ways in which weather can affect your daily routine or special events. The essentials are always important to have ready. An umbrella, sunscreen, and a change of clothes are always great to have for any unexpected weather changes. These preparations are especially important to have in mind when you’re away from home for extended periods of time, or when young members of the family are present. Keeping everyone comfortable and healthy is a key factor of winning the battle with weather.

We hope this article helped shine some light on some of the common, and uncommon affects weather may have on you. It’s important to psychological health, as well as physical health, to get outside when nice weather hits. In addition to this, being prepared for the downsides of weather is integral to staying comfortable and avoiding simple sicknesses. Thank you for reading, and for more check in to!

End of #ThisisReynoldsburg Season One

#ThisisReynoldsburg is attending MakerX on April 21st!