Easter Bunny Breakfast and Easter Egg Hunt

Easter Bunny Breakfast and Easter Egg Hunt

Easter is almost near! As such, Reynoldsburg is hosting an Easter bunny breakfast and Easter egg hunt for the whole family to attend. The breakfast begins at 9 AM and runs until 11 AM at the Reynoldsburg senior center (1520 Davidson Drive). This event in particular is low on space so reservations need to be made prior to attendance here: sports.bluesombrero.com/Reynoldsburg. Attendees will get a picture with the Easter bunny so bring your cameras! 

The second event, an Easter egg hunt, will begin at 11:30 AM. Meet for the Easter egg hunt at Huber Park behind the senior center. All children ages ten and up will be aloud to participate in the Easter egg hunt. 

Both events are being held on March 24th. Good luck to all of you egg hunters out there!

Breakfast with the Easter Bunny.png

Reynoldsburg Preschool Fair