Who We Are; Jared Marrero

Hi, and welcome to a site centered on Reynoldsburg, and on the relationships we all build everyday. As part of this building we thought it important to introduce the faces behind the project. Hopefully this gives our audience, you, a better picture of who's producing the content you'll be seeing almost every week. I'll start off this week, and William will follow up shortly with his story and involvement with the project. I hope you enjoy, and thanks for visiting #This Is Reynoldsburg.

I'm Jared Marrero. I'm a senior at Reynoldsburg's Summit Campus. The admittedly confusing academy system places me in Encore academy, a visual arts program. I'm a National Guard part time soldier, and I'm also currently interning at Cotner Funeral Home, where I actually spend about the same time as I spend at school. The opportunity has thus far proved to be one filled with learning experiences at every corner. It's helping me improve my communication savvy, my understanding of vital business operations, and teaching me a lot about our community. That last point is vital, because without Cotner Funeral home, and more importantly Barth Cotner, I wouldn't have started #ThisisReynoldsburg at all.

I was inspired by the sense of unity Cotner Funeral Home has with the community, and how truly important it is to them. They've taught me history, and the inner workings of a city that I've grown up in most of my life. Being a Reynoldsburg resident didn't mean anything strong to me as a child. Sure, as I grew up I obtained a more firm grasp of how important Reynoldsburg was for me, and how thankful I was to be here, but I never felt a personal connection. One that made me involved with the many organizations and individuals around me.

This, I felt, was due to the underlying fact that I didn't know much about Reynoldsburg. Besides the occasional local news story here and there was nothing that connected with me as a kid. I like many young people nowadays find value in reading, but only have so much patience with scholarly subjects that I lose interest fast. Seeing as this lack of video content, and really lack of a more connected and seamless place to get everything about Reynoldsburg was absent, so too was my involvement in my very own city. 

#This is Reynoldsburg is something I created to try to counter this inherent problem. By producing video content about our own city, I hope to make the information associated with the community fun and interactive, something that displays Reynoldsburg as much more than purely real estate. I'm looking to present the plentiful stories which make Reynoldsburg what it is; a place anyone can feel at home in. I'm young, and have plenty to learn, and I know that this experience will not only bring me close to Reynoldsburg, but also teach me a lot about life in general. 

So join me in my adventures across Reynoldsburg, and learn everything there is to know about one of the most interesting cities in central Ohio.

Enjoy everything we have so far, and check in for more very soon.


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