Our Logo

Our Logo

For many of you the logo of #This Is Reynoldsburg may confuse you, but through time I'm sure many of you will see it's meaning as important to the cause of the project. We chose to make the "#" a vital part of our logo, and title, for many reasons. The most of which was to reinforce the mission This Is Reynoldsburg was founded to persue; keep generations informed, both experienced and young. The hashtag is an integral part of younger audiences, and will be something they can latch onto and recognize. This was just a tiny extra detail we thought would serve as a reminder that we are doing this to inform all generations about our city.

The other aspect of the logo we thought was important to showcase was the multi colored design. Reynoldsburg is a city defined by it's citizens, as all cities are. The more fascinating thing about Reynoldsburg, however, is that our citizens come from a diverse background. Everyone who lives in Reynoldsburg fall under a large net which expands to many different cultures and life styles. This is something that we should embrace, something we should use as a powerful advantage. So in representation of this we've included an array of colors, including the classic purple and gold our schools proudly wear. This not only represents diversity, but the ability that Reynoldsburg holds; to include the old and the new all under the same umbrella of common goals and values. 

We hope that these aspects of our logo mirror who we are as a city, and what we have become with the passing of time. With your help, we can make Reynoldsburg a place in which citizens are always happy to be. Thank you for reading, and check back for more content shortly.

Our First Video

Our First Video

Who We Are; Jared Marrero