Melvin Brown On 9X and District Changes

Melvin Brown On 9X and District Changes

On March 1st we published an article analyzing the future of Reynoldsburg’s academy structure. In that article we mentioned the objectives and aims that the Reynoldsburg school district wanted to address in the coming years. To get a slightly more detailed response, we reached out to superintendent Melvin Brown on Twitter. He ran us through some of the things the school district is planning, and explains why the 9X experience is so important for the school district.

Question: What will the 9X experience do for the academy structure?

Answer: “In our current configuration, we are not able to purposefully teach for and prepare students for high school readiness. Students in middle school are given a great deal of support during those years. Students are then transitioned to high school with an abrupt end to some of those supports. 9X will provide a more gradual release into high school”

Question: Seeing as you’ve worked with other districts with academy structures like Reynoldsburg, what are some of the advantages of working in such a system of education?

Answer: “The academy structure, if done systematically, allows students to focus on their interests leading to increased engagement at school, leading to better preparation for success academically and for college and/or career. It increases the likelihood of attending college, attaining a career path, and completing post-secondary opportunities .”

Question: As we continue to move towards next school year, and the launch of the 9X experience, what are some of the district’s other programs which will change the way the academy approach is executed?

Answer: “There will be some other less drastic changes at K-8 to provide a better foundation for exposure to the academy structure. That work will continue into the next few school years.”

We hope you enjoyed further insight into the academy structure of Reynoldsburg. check back to our website and social channels to learn more about the Reynoldsburg communtiy.

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