Our First Video

Our First Video

#This Is Reynoldsburg is excited to announce that our first video, and subsequent series of articles, will be about the government of Reynoldsburg. This means a lot in the sense that our government is the foundation of how we all operate as a community. Our city can only be as strong as our leaders, and our leaders in government are the first in a long line of motivated individuals teaming up to make Reynoldsburg the best it can be. Despite this inherent importance in what our government means to us, many don’t know the basics of our local municipality. The City Charter, for example, is a widely overlooked subject in the common citizen’s view. We hope to explore facets of Reynoldsburg like this. So be prepared to take a quick peek into what the many nuanced roles are inside such an important part of Reynoldsburg.

The launch video will be posted Friday, October 27th on our Youtube channel and website, and the week after will be dedicated to producing longer form articles and raw video interviews. We hope you enjoy what we will have to offer. Remember to check back soon for more.

Steve Cicak: Questionare

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